We get it. Your brand is your baby. Handing it over to an outside agency can feel like letting someone else drive your prized sports car. However, think of it more like entrusting that car to a team of expert mechanics whose top priority is to support the owner by making the car run even better. Vroom, vroom baby!

Entertainment marketing agencies are like pit crews, equipped with the latest tools, strategies, and a garage full of skills. Adding an outsourced marketing team to complement your in-house staff will allow you to tap into a powerhouse of creativity, experience, and strategic thinking. While we may be a bit biased in the belief that a dedicated agency can be the “fuel” to supercharge your brand, here are five objective truths every company should consider:

1. The bottom line is the bottom line: Insurance. Payroll taxes. Benefits. PTO. Equipment - all of these expenses are reducing your net profit. Every new hire adds more cost. Instead, hire an entertainment marketing agency to work alongside your current employee(s) and gain expertise at a fraction of the cost and time required to hire full-time staff.

2.  Fresh perspectives, fresher ideas: In-house marketers can often have too much on their plates; they get stuck in the weeds of withering creativity and trapped in a maze of multitasking. It’s easy for them to lose the vision and inspiration your brand needs. An outsourced team brings fresh eyes to your business that help your brand grow.

3. The show must go on. An agency makes that happen: When your employees get sick, go on vacation, or quit, your marketing momentum suffers (trust us, we have stories). However, by hiring a top entertainment marketing agency, you can be assured that your workflow won’t be interrupted. They can help you backfill plus scale processes on-demand and quickly. 

4. Don't wave the white flag on your time: Recruiting and training in-house staff is expensive and time-consuming. The last thing you want is a costly hiring mistake where you spend a lot of dough on someone who turns out to be just “okay” at what they do. It can take months to onboard, properly train, and accurately assess in-house staff. By comparison, agencies can engage their deep roster of experts faster than a Formula 1 pit crew swapping tires. (Sorry, we like motorsports analogies!)

5. Agencies know all things marketing: Because in-house marketers are typically overwhelmed and focused solely on their own brand, they don’t have time or opportunity to stay current on the latest trends, technologies, software, etc. A top entertainment marketing agency educates its people on what’s new, efficient, and effective. Their specialists remain up-to-date on best practices so they can serve as a badass resource for your biz. 

It’s time for you to consider Bauer Entertainment Marketing!

Our experience can be your competitive advantage. Our award-winning team of over 40 music, sports, and entertainment experts has a combined 100+ years of industry experience. Supporting a wide variety of clients that span the music, sports, and entertainment landscape immerses us in today's most groundbreaking and impactful strategies and tactics. Moreover, we offer access to a network of other clients for collaboration opportunities you can’t find anywhere else! 

BEM is literally a one-stop shop for performance marketing services that deliver more fans, more sales, and more profit. Our door (and inbox) is always open to you! So reach out today to learn how our music, sports, and entertainment experts can help your business get the inside track, put the pedal to the metal, and reach the finish line ahead of your competitors. Start your engines!🤘